Thursday, October 22, 2020


 Everyone wants to age gracefully while keeping wrinkles at bay. The dream and desire of every person is to have a radiant and age defying skin. Well, a lot of products have flooded the market today and choosing what fits for your skin seems pretty hard. It is still possible to get the full package of such a product at Allueur. Our anti-aging moisturizers for a long time have been top rated in the market and we are still not yet done.
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Allueur wants to tell you something – moisturizers are good for your skin but not good enough to prevent signs of aging. By adding a little bit of cannabidiol oil to ordinary anti-aging moisturizer, your skin will have found its long needed cure. CBD anti-aging moisturizers have taken the beauty world by storm. Our latest CBD anti-aging cream is highly recommended to restore your youth, moisturize and perfect the look of pores and even fight aging appearance. This masterpiece has more than one benefit compared to other ordinary anti-aging moisturizers. No wonder, most dermatologists recommended it.

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Anti-Aging CBD Moisturizer for Reducing Appearance of Wrinkles + Hydration Benefits

Before we discuss about CBD anti-aging moisturizer let us understand what causes our skin to look different as we age.

What Makes Us Age?

Even your great grandmother was fine and young-looking like you. As we get older and days go by we notice a few wrinkles here and there and before we know it the skins starts creasing and begins to sag. The process of aging is a normal and biological and we can’t avoid it because as we age so does our skin.

If not taken care of, the fine lines can results to deep wrinkles. Collagen the most abundant proteins in the body, promotes skin elasticity and helps keep the skin to be firm and strong. At the age of 20, production of collagen by the skin decreases making the skin less firm and stronger.

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Oils glands found in the skin that makes our skin look vibrant, healthy and youthful, as we age, these glands also produce less oil and this leads to dryness in the skin. Elastin levels also decrease and the skin has lower levels of elasticity making it incapable of healing itself and therefore it starts cracking. Environmental factors also accelerate the aging process e.g. exposure of the skin to sun and lifestyle habits. All this enhances loss of collagen and elastin which leads to the skin being delicate, have more wrinkles, sunspots, dry and deep lines.

Benefits of Using Normal Anti-aging Moisturizers vs CBD Anti-aging Moisturizer

Benefits of using normal anti-aging moisturizers

Basically, most normal anti-aging products have presence of moisturizing ingredients whose sole purpose is to rehydrate the top layer of the skin. Therefore, their main work is to enhance protection, lubrication and moisturization of the skin and if not used frequently, the skin may start to dry up and flake off.
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Most ordinary anti-aging moisturizers help improve damaged dry skin, protect sensitive skin and promote good skin texture. In essence, unless an anti- aging moisturizer has other ‘active ingredients’, alone, it cannot prevent wrinkles.

What would happen if CBD is one of the ‘active ingredients added to the normal anti-aging moisturizer? If you add CBD or hemp seed oil to any anti- aging moisturizers you will have the perfect combo to make your skin say good bye to wrinkles, dryness and sagginess.

Let’s sit back and learn the wonders of CBD as one of the major ingredients that will make your skin to never thirst again.

Benefits of Using Normal Anti-aging Moisturizers vs CBD Anti-aging Moisturizer

CBD Anti-Aging Moisturizers Benefits

In recent research, scientists have agreed that CBD is a powerful antioxidant. Its strength is beyond that of vitamin C and E combined together. As a strong antioxidant, it slows the aging process, by increasing collagen production which is important for production of healthy skin.

Researchers say, its ability to reduce free radicals which lead to collagen loss is simply splendid allowing the skin to have a radiant and youthful look. This power product enables minimum production of sebum which helps alleviate acne problems.

Its unique anti- inflammatory qualities can also repair damaged skin and reduces skin discoloration, fine lines and wrinkles. Among the many benefits of CBD to other body parts, it also works more than magic to the skin. When infused with creams, essential oils and vitamins, CBD has proven to fight age and leave your skin looking refreshed, alive and youthful.  To enjoy this amazing product shop our CBD day or night cream and experience its benefits.

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Let’s discuss some more benefits of using Allueur anti-aging moisturizer 30 ml to your skin.

CBD Anti-Aging Moisturizers Benefits

Soothing Effect+ Ability To Provide Firmness To All Skin Types

We all have different skin types, therefore what best works for your skin is what you need. Our CBD anti-aging cream contains soothing ingredients like vitamin E, Aloe Vera which restores and hydrates the skin.

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For those with dry skin, its soothing effects does wonders to the skin since it has a blend of coconut and sunflower seed oils that hydrates the skin. It unplugs pores for the oily skins.

It soothes the most sensitive skins due to the fact that hemp seed oil is also included which smoothens rough cells on skin surface offering moisturizing benefits. Despite your skin color or type, our CBD anti-aging cream will be instrumental in providing firmness to your skin and give perfect results you desire.

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Soothing Effect+ Ability To Provide Firmness To All Skin Types

Protection Against Sun Damage + Reducing Wrinkles and Fine Lines

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Lovers of outdoors activities are guaranteed of their skin not being damaged by the sun. The hemp seed oil present in the anti-aging moisturizer 30ml help to moisturize and hydrate your skin. Its ability to stimulate growth of smooth, evenly pigmented skin is because it contains Alpha Hydroxy Acids which are effective in reducing fine line and wrinkles.

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The same AHA’s help to stave off of any noticeable fine lines and deal with problems of skin discoloration. The presence of vitamin A, an antioxidant assists in high production levels of collagen fibres which offer elasticity cutting down on wrinkles.

Protection Against Sun Damage + Reducing Wrinkles and Fine Lines

Treating Dry Skin and Acne+ Unclogging Pores

Dry skin makes the signs of aging worse. This power product has the ability to reduce sebum production which helps mitigate acne problems. Its light weight texture and no pore clogging components help to rejuvenate the skin while decreasing occurrence of acne and hence promote production of healthy skin cells.

Intensive Repair + Skin Restoring Abilities

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Infused with Vitamin E, the anti-aging cream helps the skin to naturally replenish itself. When applied to the skin, our CBD anti-aging cream promotes healing, reduces redness, relieves itching pains and prevents further inflammation bringing out more glow and freshness to the skin.

Experiencing CBD Anti- Aging Moisturizer: Smell, Texture and Effects


When choosing any skin care, the scent dictates a lot. Bearing in mind that over doing it can cause skin irritation, the fragrances are sparingly used to produce a subtle scent which is relaxing, comfortable and lovely to smell.

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Its ability to quench a dry skin and easy absorption is still a mystery. This amazing moisturizer, is light, has a silky texture to moisturize the skin immediately after use.  Easy to spread and leaves no greasy feeling after use.

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This is not your average anti-aging cream that will shock you with the fine lines at first then re-appear with time. CBD antiaging moisturizer will soften and improve your skin texture within weeks of use. Its easy penetration to top layers of the skin will bring unbelievable healing effects. Visible signs of a radiant and youthful skin will be hard to ignore.

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Experiencing CBD Anti- Aging Moisturizer: Smell, Texture and Effects

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Why Trust Us

We care about you and we have invested a lot into analyzing and testing our products so as to ensure that they are safe for human use. Our aim is to build long lasting relationship with our customers from all corners of the earth.
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We firmly believe in delivering quality and high end effective products. Every time you shop our CBD day and night cream expect quality and satisfaction of a brand you can always trust.

Who We Are, What We Stand For and Why You’ll Love Our Products

We are a company that take strict standards in all matter dealing with production of all our products. Allueur believes in providing highly valuable products to its customers.

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With help from certified dermatologists we have taken time, caution and effort to make our products highly safe and fit for use.

All our products are a stepping stone towards achieving the skin you long for in a safe way.

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Every step of manufacturing was done putting our users’ needs and desires in mind.

How to Apply Anti-Aging CBD Moisturizer

Aim for your targeted areas as you apply the cream. Apply to a fresh cleaned face without makeup on. If you choose to wear it during day time, don’t forget your sunscreen and these will prevent sunburns. Use daily as needed and enjoy the journey towards a more glowing, youthful you!

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Everyone has an opinion on children; when to have them, how to raise them, what to feed them… It can be overwhelming sifting through the information online, in books, and through podcasts and settling on a method that works best for you. Adding to this is the new legislation and research on CBD and its mainstream coverage. Is CBD safe during pregnancy? How about during breastfeeding? Let’s break it down and see what the science says.

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Pregnancy is not an easy process for the body to go through. While the body changes to accommodate baby, there are some unpleasant side effects such as: 

Morning sickness/ Vomiting


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Increased anxiety and stress



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Mood disorders

Not every pregnancy will present with these symptoms, however the majority of pregnancies will experience at least one or more throughout the course of nine months Treating these symptoms can be difficult at the best of times, however due to the connection s via the umbilical cord, treating illnesses and symptoms such as these during a pregnancy poses a much higher risk. It is important to keep in mind that anything consumed or absorbed into the body will also reach the foetus, including medication.
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Lovers of CBD are quick to draw the connection between CBD use and symptoms of pregnancy. There is plenty of data to suggest CBD’s effectiveness for treating nausea, vomiting, insomnia, anxiety and other mood disorders, as well as inflammation and pain. Not only do CBD tinctures provide relief from these side effects, it does so with minimal to no side effects of its own. This would appear to be a naturally great fit for pregnancy symptoms, however there is one small problem: Scientific research has been so greatly hindered by the governmental policies that rose mostly out of racism and xenophobia that there is very little research on the use of CBD and pregnancy because it was illegal for so long.

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Is CBD Safe During Pregnancy?

This is where things get complicated. There is plenty of research and anecdotal data to support the safe use of CBD for a large variety of illnesses and diseases. To date, there is no research to conclude that ingesting or using CBD is unsafe, even in large doses. That being said, there is also no long-term research completed on pregnancy and CBD. It’s not surprising that so little research has been done to date. Not only has CBD and THC been classified as an illegal substance, meaning doctors and researchers have historically been unable to secure funding to research it, it is also difficult to obtain permission from ethics boards to test on pregnant populations without sufficient backing research that demonstrates the safety of the substance. 

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Additionally, pregnancy is such a varied process that it can be exceptionally difficult to determine if something is working or not as a result. Just like each person’s endocannabinoid system is uniquely theirs, so too is their pregnancy. So while CBD may be shown to work for one person’s stress, for example, it may not be working on another’s due to other variables that make it difficult to measure whether it’s the CBD not working or something else interfering with its efficacy.

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Lastly, in order for a substance to be measured for efficacy as a medical supplement, long-term studies need to be conducted to truly understand the results and safety of the substance. Unfortunately, while pregnancy is a common condition, there isn’t enough interest from the scientific field at the moment to spend the amount of money required to engage in a long-term scientific study. Currently, the majority of research funds are being explored with regards to CBD and mood disorders such as anxiety, depression, and mental illness, as well as diseases like dementia, seizures, and multiple sclerosis. While these studies will help build research showing how safe CBD is for non-pregnant populations, they will still lack specific data on pregnant people. 

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Should I Use It Then?

Using anything during pregnancy really is a personal choice that should be discussed between you and your doctor. There is absolutely no evidence that CBD poses any threat during pregnancy, however due to the lack of solid clinical evidence (for reasons described above) proving it is safe, some physicians may choose to err on the side of caution. CBD can be an excellent choice in order to avoid more worrisome pharmaceuticals to treat common pregnancy ailments, providing that it is of high quality and properly sourced. With this in mind, always ensure you are purchasing CBD tinctures from a company that provides third-party testing and follows the USFDA regulations. For an in-depth look at how to best choose a CBD tincture, check out this CBD Tincture Buyer’s Guide. One additional tip on purchasing CBD while pregnant: Be sure to only purchase CBD isolate and not CBD full-spectrum. CBD Isolates are free from the cannabinoid THC, the chemical responsible for making you high. There is research to support that THC during pregnancy is harmful and should be avoided.
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Can I Use CBD Tinctures While Breastfeeding? 

Just like with the umbilical cord, anything consumed post-pregnancy can be transmitted to the baby via breastmilk. Breastfeeding is a popular option for feeding babies as it passes all of the nutrients, immunities, and proteins directly to the child. FOr this reason, it is important for those who are breastfeeding to remain cautious about their medication, alcohol consumption, etc. Cannabinoids are a natural occurrence in breastmilk, regardless of the ingestion of CBD. Because our bodies naturally produce them through the endocannabinoid system, they are an integral part of child development. Just like with pregnancy, there is no research to demonstrate any harm will come to your baby if you ingest CBD. THC, however, should once again be avoided as it has been linked to significant childhood developmental delays. Also important to note is that consuming CBD is not a new or modern habit. CBD has existed for centuries and has long been part of other cultures where it is less taboo than in North America. So while there is little clinical data on breastfeeding and CBD use, there is plenty of anecdotal evidence to support the claims that it remains safe, providing that it is free from THC. 

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Another benefit of CBD tincture use postpartum is the effects it can have to reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety, which can peak after birth. Postpartum depression is a serious disorder and if you feel you are suffering from the symptoms, please reach out to your doctor immediately to seek help. You can also discuss the use of CBD with your doctor as part of a treatment plan as the side effects are minimal, especially considering those of the common antidepressants/ SSRIs that are available pharmaceutically. 

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As mentioned above, the most important thing to consider is the brand and quality of CBD you purchase. Always make sure you’re buying from a trusted source with third-party testing and talk to your doctor about your use. This will ensure there are no reactions with any current medication you are taking and that you and baby remain happy and healthy.
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Final Thoughts on Early Childhood and CBD Use

Although the clinical research falls short on CBD and pregnancy, there is still plenty of anecdotal and adjacent research that demonstrates CBD can be safe and effective as treatment for many ailments, including those that are suffered during pregnancy. There is a long history of using CBD’s healing properties throughout pregnancies and no evidence that it is harmful. It is a personal choice whether you wish to use CBD tinctures or other products throughout your pregnancy and breastfeeding. Regardless of what you choose, always speak to your doctor so that they are aware of your decisions and can monitor your health.