Thursday, October 22, 2020


 Americans have been celebrating Labor Day since 1882. In the 21st century, men and women in Grand Rapids can take a break from the everyday hustle and bustle of work and pay tribute to our nation’s labor movement.
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Even in this scary time of social distancing, there is no reason that you, your friends and family cannot take advantage of some festive foods and drinks. Whether you love tasty CBD gummy bear edibles or sipping an Americano, there are a few ideal treats to appreciate this Labor Day weekend.

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1. CBD gummies

Starting with the most fun Labor Day snack, colorful CBD gummies are delicious, as well as potent. Besides enjoying the selection of flavors that are now available, people rely on the best CBD edibles, such as hemp gummies, to relax their minds and bodies. Just pop one into your mouth and stress tends to float away.

Experiencing a peaceful frame of mind often works wonders for your sleep, which has a direct impact on your energy level throughout the day. Even one’s precious memory skills tend to improve.

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To top it off, there is such a large variety to choose from, including Apple Rings, Rainbow Ribbons and delightful Gummy Cherries. That’s why it’s always smart to purchase a 3,000-milligram party pack jar of CBD online. Just remember that CBD products may only work on 60%-70% of individuals.

2. Mini blueberry tarts with puff pastry

Mini blueberry tarts with puff pastry can be marvelous, as they are simple to put together and people do not overindulge on the scrumptious delights. The crusts can be made efficiently with frozen puff pastries. They may be a tad buttery and crumble in your hands, but mini blueberry tarts are a smart substitute for dough.

They are extremely versatile, and desserts can be whipped up in no time. Just be sure to let any frozen puff pastries thaw before you try to eat them. A microwave can be used, but the treats tend to become too soft and gooey. Doh!

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3. Sangria popsicles

If you are spending time outdoors for Labor Day, you can always cool yourself off with fruity red, white and blue sangria popsicles. You can make them before any celebration and stash them in the freezer.

Have fun with the project and create different combinations of red, white and blue goodies. Then bust them out when you are poolside, if not for dessert.

You can give your sangria popsicles some extra flavor with fresh blueberries and strawberries, and folks rely on honey as an organic sweetener. Partygoers also enjoy mixing a little alcohol in a blender with their red, white and blue sangria popsicles.

4. The Americano

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Perhaps the most exciting way to wash everything down over Labor Day weekend is with the Americano. The cocktail itself is rather simple. It is made of bittersweet-tasting Campari mixed equally with sweet vermouth and sparkling club soda.

You can then top it all off with a piece of lemon. The drink has been around since the 1860s when it first appeared at Gaspare Campari’s bar in Milan, Italy.

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Today, the Americano appears all over mass media, including decades of Ian Fleming’s popular James Bond series. While the Brits tend to love the drink, the bitter Americano is growing in popularity throughout the States.

Whether you choose a smooth drink or sugar free CBD gummies, make sure they are festive and delicious enough to serve at your next Labor Day celebration.

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By now CBD has become a household name that you have probably heard or seen in the magazines, social media, or even at your local store. This product has become so popular that everyone wants a piece of it. It is been praised for its ability to treat everything from pets, chronic pains, to various skin problems.

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However, many people still do not differentiate between CBD and THC since both compounds are extracted from the cannabis plant. Most commercial advertising done about CBD have been hyped so much that some people are still doubting Thomas. We shall discuss everything about CBD, what it is, and its benefits in this article.

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Cannabinoid is what is commonly referred to as CBD and is extracted from either hemp or marijuana strains of the cannabis plant. However, a clear distinction is important to understand that the hemp plant is recommended for CBD extraction. This is because it contains lower levels of THC.

THC is a psychoactive ingredient that provokes euphoric effects on the user; it is what gets people high. Most countries have strict laws and regulations when it comes to matters dealing with products that contain cannabis. In the USA, purchasing CBD is legal as long as it doesn’t contain more than 0.3% THC.

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There are two common types of CBD include: Full and broad-spectrum. The difference between the two types is that full-spectrum contains all the cannabinoids that are naturally found in the cannabis plant including THC. On the other hand, broad-spectrum contains all cannabidiol and all other compounds except THC.

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Often, most companies dealing with CBD products prefer broad-spectrum and use the CO2 extraction process to achieve this. This process eliminates all traces of THC and it is considered environment friendly. It should be noted that some states have strict measures when dealing with full-spectrum CBD. In the USA under the Farm Bill Act of 2018, for the full-spectrum to be legally sold it needs to contain less than 0.3% THC.

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CBD isolate is also another form you can get from CBD. CBD isolate has nothing else added to it making it highly potent and the purest. Most researchers claim that CBD isolate doesn’t give a wide variety of benefits compared to broad-spectrum.

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Is There a Difference between Hemp Seed Oil and CBD?

Of course, it should be noted that these two are very different ingredients. CBD oil and Hemp Seed oil have come under a lot of scrutiny bearing in mind that some companies mislead buyers who don’t know the difference when purchasing products since they are marketed as one product.

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Hemp seed oil is primarily extracted from the hemp seeds and doesn’t contain any traces of CBD.  CBD oil is extracted from the leaves, stalks, and flowers of the hemp plant. It should be noted that CBD oil contains very high concentrations of CBD which is a compound that has been found to have numerous benefits. That should be a reason to smile meaning that you will never fail a drug test screening for cannabis.

The next time you shop CBD skincare products it is of importance to have a look at the ingredients list to be certain that cannabidiol is present. It is also good to buy from a well-established and reliable brand.  When purchasing online, most brand websites will avail lab reports and certificates of analysis for their products. Go for products that have gone through third-party testing.

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What Exactly Does CBD Do to the Skin?

The human body contains the endocannabinoid system which is associated with numerous processes that include reproductive functions, pain, mood, stress, skin and nerve function, sleep, metabolism, immune, and memory. It contains three components receptors, enzymes and, endocannabinoids.

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When used unlike THC, CBD doesn’t affect or alter your state of consciousness. It is not yet clear the causes of the effects of CBD but researchers say when used CBD, interacts with the endocannabinoid system. When used a supplement or edible, it enters the bloodstream and interacts with the endocannabinoid receptors helping create a balance in the body, a process referred to as homeostasis.

When CBD is topically used on a targeted area on the skin, it is only able to affect that area alone.

Benefits of CBD to the Skin

With an increase in demand for high-quality skincare products, CBD skincare products have been embraced by so many people recently. From being used to create anti-aging creams, moisturizers to serums, CBD offers advantages that are for the general wellbeing of the skin. It has also been found that CBD has a way of alleviating skin problems such as acne. Here are some of the benefits you will enjoy after using CBD on your skin.

Defying the aging signs

Anti-aging creams combined with unique properties of CBD will restore the natural glow and youthful look on your skin.  As a powerful antioxidant, CBD can reverse the signs of aging naturally.

Oxidants are known to stimulate collagen production and help repair the skin. Collagen is a major component of the skin that is associated with strengthening the skin, providing elasticity and firmness, and hydrating the skin. As we get older our collagen production levels decrease and this results to lack of skin firmness leading to the formation of deep lines and wrinkles and dry skin.

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Regular use of CBD anti-aging creams will be a ladder towards getting rid of fine lines, creases, and wrinkles as well as nourishing your skin by hydrating it.

Hydrating the skin

Nothing makes the skin glow and supple than when it is well hydrated. The most cause of dry skin and other skin problems is dehydration. Dehydrated skin is very delicate and may bring future skin problems that can be dangerous to the wellbeing of an individual.

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CBD oil contains fatty acids such as Omega 6 and 3, which stimulates the production of collagen. These fatty acids help form a protective barrier to the skin making it dense and critical in keeping the skin hydrated.

Helps in Inflammation and Acne

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Inflammation is a natural body reaction when the body is harmed. If the skin is irritated, CBD has the ability to offer soothing effects. As an anti-inflammatory, it reduces the levels of inflammation and soothes the skin while providing pain-relieving effects.

Sebum production can be a leading factor in causing acne. When products that fight acne are combined with CBD, it aids and adjusts the production of sebum in the body. Sebaceous glands found in the skin are responsible for creating sebum and it is characterized as been waxy and oily. It coats, moisturizes, and protects the skin from the outside world.

When produced in large quantities and mixes with dead skin cells it clogs the skin pores causing skin problems like acne and eczema. CBD won’t clog the skin pores but will facilitate the unclogging process and regulate sebum production.

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A research done in June 2019, at the annual meeting of the American Society for Microbiology found that CBD aids in lessening a range of gram-positive bacteria which causes acne.

Protection from Sun Damage

The skin is the most exposed part of the human body.  Sunscreens have been of importance to us for protection against harmful UV rays. The addition of CBD to your regular sunscreen will not only protect your skin but also keep it healthier. Sunburns caused by sun rays do lead to skin future skin related problems.

One of the amazing products of Allueur is CBD infused sunscreen which is formulated with vitamin-rich banana extract that helps boost sun protection, quicken the periods of recovering from sun damage as well as balance hydration levels in the pores.

As an anti-inflammatory, CBD will help reduce the effects of sunburns while quickening the repair of the skin cells.

Slows down cell proliferation on the skin

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Cell proliferation is very vital to the skin when it is damaged. The healing process of damaged skin cells includes cell proliferation. Though it is good for the healing of wounds, it can lead to the onset of seborrhoeic dermatitis which is caused by active reproduction of skin cells. CBD anti-inflammatory effects inhibit cell proliferation. It also helps stop toxins from spreading to infected areas where inflammation has occurred on the skin by causing cellular death.

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With all these benefits mentioned above, it is quite clear that CBD does a lot to the skin. When used regularly and infused in face masks, sunscreens, moisturizers, anti-aging creams, lotions, or even chap-sticks, CBD will provide a wealth of gentle benefits to the skin. When combined with other skin-friendly ingredients, it is a sure bet that the skin will accrue various benefits.

A review published in 2018 in the Dermatology Online Journal pointed out that CBD indeed offers therapeutic effects on the skin and other medical conditions. Choosing CBD skincare products will be a step closer to achieving a more supple, firm, and healthier skin you have always dreamt of.

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